Our youth group has been gardening in the Village of Grand Ridge, IL since 2010. Led by Universtiy of Illinois Extension Master Gardener and fellow Ridger Holly Koster, many youth now showcase their garden skills as the Village enters America in Bloom's Growing Vibrant Communities initiative for building and connecting through nature.
We are no longer organized through 4-H . If enough interest, we will once again apply as leaders of a special interest club where kids already enrolled in 4-H pay just $20 to participate. Junior Master Gardener certification fee is an additional $75 per youth once the course at each level is completed.

Youth passionate about gardening attend a general monthly meeting to learn about soil, plants, nutrition and community development through all things gardening. Should our club form again, meetups may include:
WEEKLY Field Day at Grand RIdge Community Garden
MONTHLY Project review during 4-H Meeting
WEEKEND opportunities for sharing and volunteering at rural farmers market
ANNUAL exhibition during Grand Ridge Community Fest in August
Our Vision
Our vision of the youth garden club is to restore our rural roots in the community of Grand Ridge and surrounding areas so that our youth becomes inspired to pursue projects and careers in agriculture.
With Junior Master Gardener certification on hiatus, we are inspiring gardeners of all ages by directing GROWING VIBRANT COMMUNITIES, an America in Bloom self-assessed initiative offered nationwide.
Events & Workshops

Plant a Vegetable Patch
We will be researching, growing and sharing our learning in many ways!